Channel - Blackboard Learn Training Videos
8/18/2022 8:28:08 PM

Channel Videos

Add a Mediasite Link to Blackboard Announcement
How to add a link to a Mediasite presentation so that the link open in the emailed version of the Blackboard Announcement
Kari L. Vara, Interactive Learning Designer Online Learning & Academic Technology Cuyahoga Community College
4/27/2020 7:51:25 PM

Add Content: Items
How to add an item with an attached file
Kari L. Vara, Interactive Learning Designer Online Learning & Academic Technology Cuyahoga Community College
3/5/2020 8:20:35 PM

Add Content: Link to Web Page
How to add a link to a web page to your Blackboard Course Site
Kari L. Vara, Interactive Learning Designer Online Learning & Academic Technology Cuyahoga Community College
3/9/2020 3:06:56 PM

Add Content: Mediasite Videos
How to add a link to a video that is in Mediasite
Kari L. Vara, Interactive Learning Designer Online Learning & Academic Technology Cuyahoga Community College
3/6/2020 9:02:37 PM

Assessments: Add a Discussion Board
How to create a graded Discussion Board to facilitate interaction
Kari L. Vara, Interactive Learning Designer Online Learning & Academic Technology Cuyahoga Community College
3/10/2020 2:11:52 PM

Assessments: Add a Test or Quiz
How to create a test or quiz in Blackboard
Kari L. Vara, Interactive Learning Designer Online Learning & Academic Technology Cuyahoga Community College
3/10/2020 4:45:38 PM

Assessments: Add an Assignment
How to add an assignment to collect work from your students in Blackboard
Kari L. Vara, Interactive Learning Designer Online Learning & Academic Technology Cuyahoga Community College
3/9/2020 5:37:21 PM

Assessments: Deploy a Test and Select Settings
How to add a test to a content folder and select appropriate test settings
Kari L. Vara, Interactive Learning Designer Online Learning & Academic Technology Cuyahoga Community College
3/10/2020 4:54:58 PM

Assessments: Grade a Discussion
How to grade a Discussion Board Forum in Blackboard
Kari L. Vara, Interactive Learning Designer Online Learning & Academic Technology Cuyahoga Community College
3/10/2020 2:23:32 PM

Blackboard Assessments: Add a Discussion Board
How to create a graded Discussion Board to facilitate interaction
Aimee Pearce, Senior Instructional Designer
8/8/2022 6:26:56 PM

Blackboard Assessments: Add an Assignment
How to add an assignment to collect work from your students in Blackboard
Aimee Pearce, Senior Instructional Designer
8/9/2022 7:56:40 PM

Blackboard Assessments: Grade an Assignment
How to grade assignments created using the Blackboard Assignments tool.
Aimee Pearce, Senior Instructional Designer
8/9/2022 6:56:03 PM

Blackboard: Create A Course Site
This video covers creating a new course site in Blackboard, some issues that occur with rolled-over sites, and how to use the course copy process in Blackboard.
Kari L. Vara, Interactive Learning Designer Online Learning & Academic Technology Cuyahoga Community College
3/13/2020 5:14:41 PM

Blackboard: Email and Course Messages
The difference between Tri-C Email and Blackboard Course Messages and how to use them to communicate with students
Kari L. Vara, Interactive Learning Designer Online Learning & Academic Technology Cuyahoga Community College
4/10/2020 8:46:21 PM

Blackboard: Set up First Day Solutions Course Materials
Kari L. Vara, Interactive Learning Designer Online Learning & Academic Technology Cuyahoga Community College
8/18/2022 8:15:35 PM

Course Roll-Over End-of-Life
Learn why the course roll-over is ending and how to use the course copy process to create new Blackboard sites.
Kari L. Vara, Interactive Learning Designer Online Learning & Academic Technology Cuyahoga Community College
7/26/2022 6:45:50 PM

Create a Grade Report for a Student
How to create a report of one student's grades in a Blackboard course
Kari L. Vara, Interactive Learning Designer Online Learning & Academic Technology Cuyahoga Community College
3/13/2020 6:27:54 PM

Create an Announcement
How to create an announcement in Blackboard
Kari L. Vara, Interactive Learning Designer Online Learning & Academic Technology Cuyahoga Community College
3/6/2020 8:29:04 PM

Easy Blackboard Course Banners - Macintosh
Default Presenter
4/28/2020 4:17:55 PM

Easy Blackboard Course Banners - Windows
Default Presenter
5/1/2020 4:29:52 PM

Email Students from Blackboard Grade Center
How to send email messages to students from the Grade Center in Blackboard
Kari L. Vara, Interactive Learning Designer Online Learning & Academic Technology Cuyahoga Community College
3/9/2020 2:42:30 PM

Export and Import a Test
Kari L. Vara, Interactive Learning Designer Online Learning & Academic Technology Cuyahoga Community College
4/27/2020 8:19:08 PM

Notification Settings in Blackboard Ultra Base Navigation
Watch this video to review the notification settings in Blackboard Ultra Base Navigation.
Kari L. Vara, Interactive Learning Designer Online Learning & Academic Technology Cuyahoga Community College
2/18/2020 4:03:23 PM

Setting up a Points-Based Gradebook in Bb ULtra Course View
Kari L. Vara, Interactive Learning Designer Online Learning & Academic Technology Cuyahoga Community College
5/13/2022 3:35:17 PM

Using Safe Assign in Blackboard Learn v1
Karen Gray
6/21/2021 2:15:09 PM

Cuyahoga Community College Tri-C Mediasite Faculty Development Mediasite Showcase
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